Make 2D Games with Ruby and Gosu – Part 3

Sorry for the long delay in posting videos in this series. This is a long video at 90+ minutes. There’s a nice preview of where we’re heading at the beginning of the video. It’s actually starting to look like a reasonable game.

I recently made a good amount of progress on this project to prepare for a presentation I gave to about 30 engineers on building games in Ruby. This video attempts to catch up on about 50-75% of the changes, covering the code that is tested.

I hope to follow up soon with a video on TDDing to introduce some of the untested, spiked improvements I made to prepare for my talk. Those changes include player state (death), playing songs, randomly generated levels, and adding new items.

I’ve submitted a talk to Ruby on Ales 2016 and hope to be able to speak about this there. Please let me know if you have any feedback on ways to improve this series.